With almost 20 years of experience in the Australian market, we have worked on just about every kind of challenge in IT.
From designing and installing satellite communications on a jungle island in PNG, to emergency IT onboardings and protecting our clients from vengeful ex-staff, we have seen and conquered almost every IT challenge.
Here are some of our best and most successful IT case studies

Strategic IT Analysis
Client: HQ Plantations. One of Australia’s biggest timber plantation owners.
Business Challenge: The client wanted an independent assessment of its delivery against a 5-year IT Plan at the halfway mark from multiple levels of the organisation as well as the delivery of a new 10-year technology roadmap with specific actions detailed
Activity Scope: Statewide Field Interviews, Stakeholder Analysis, Infrastructure Review, ERP Usage and Infrastructure Analysis, GIS Usage Analysis, Management Workshops
Recruited Expertise: TechnologyOne expert, GIS expert, led by Computer One
Result: The report confirmed the client was on track with the bulk of the 5-year plan and being supported well by the incumbent external providers. Insights were provided into how to achieve significant additional efficiency gains, and where to focus initiatives in the strategic plan to deliver the biggest gains.
Client’s Comment:
“Computer One conducted a comprehensive, independent review of our ICT environment and compared it to both our documented Technology Roadmap and the front-line perspectives of our head office and field teams.
They delivered a functional and pragmatic report with a refreshed ten-year Roadmap and four years of detailed actions, specifying how to bring the long-term vision to reality.
In going to market, we sought an arms-length, unbiased assessment from a company capable of quickly understanding our software, infrastructure, communication standards, head office and field operations, and information security requirements. We needed an organisation that could identify service gaps and help us make the most of the technology investments we had made to-date.
I’m pleased to say the report delivered on our expectations, was well executed and completed in the required timeframe.”
Harish Lal
Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary
HQ Plantations Pty Ltd

Rugged IT
Client: Allied Gold
Business Challenge at Commencement: Head Office and Remote Mine Site IT Support for a mine off the coast of PNG
Activity Scope: Service Desk Level 1-3 with VIP Escalations, Communications Project Services, On-site Response, Hardware, Mobile Computing Support.
Results: Computer One provided Allied Gold with comprehensive support covering all IT issues as well as designing and project managing a solution to connect the PNG-located Simberi mine site with Allied’s head office in Australia.
The mine site was in a jungle island location exposed to inclement weather that cut communications. A major achievement was the delivery and installation of a cyclone-proof satellite communication solution that successfully pushed the technical boundaries of the volume of communication that could cross the channel at once, lowering the cost of communication for the company.
Although Allied Gold was sold to Santa Fe several years ago and Computer One’s role was replaced by the Santa Fe internal team, we were pleased to note that the Head of IT remarked that the work we had performed was first-class and that they could not have done better.
Client’s Comment:
“Just a short note to say thanks for the work done on our Simberi and Solomon Islands mine sites.
You scaled with us every step of the way and gave us the kind of support that we would like from every supplier. You were always reliable, proactive in your outlook and fast to react when we needed it.
Your team’s attitude is what impressed me the most. Nothing was a challenge too great for them. It goes without saying that I would recommend you to any mining operation.”
Frank Terranova
Managing Director and CEO
Allied Gold

Long-term Managed IT
Client: Archers the Strata Professionals – external strata management experts established since 1982.
Business Challenge at Commencement: Poor IT support for multiple branches located across Queensland meant network dropouts, disgruntled staff, and anger at the IT department. Services were outsourced to Computer One to stabilise the network and increase speed of help desk ticket resolution.
Activity Scope: Complete Care Managed IT Service across 6 sites including Service Desk, Managed Backups and constant Network Monitoring, Private Hosted Infrastructure, WAN Management (Internet Connection), Licensing Management.
Results: Six-plus years of engagement. 100% achievement on SLA for response to tickets during that time. Network stabilised. Client confidence in IT restored. IT Roadmap delivered and under implementation.
Client’s Comment:
“Computer One are doing a great job keeping our systems running smoothly and our branches productive.
If you need an IT partner that you don’t talk to very often (because all your systems just work) I am happy to recommend Computer One.”
Colin Archer
Managing Director
Archers Body Corporate Management

Managed Services for Retail
Client: Andersens. Floor covering retailer with
46 stores in QLD and NSW.
Business Challenge at Commencement: Incumbent IT provider was reactive and could not scale to meet the business’ growth ambitions. Andersens was looking for a partner who could provide more visibility into IT and demonstrate a forward-looking approach.
Activity Scope: Complete Care Managed IT Service, Data Services, Hosted Infrastructure, Software Licensing, Custom Retail Software Rollout Project and specialised Service Desk support for that software.
Results: Visibility into IT has greatly improved. An IT Roadmap has been created that matches IT to the business plan. The retail software rollout project was conducted smoothly, particularly pleasing senior management.
Two years in and Andersens’ Net Promoter Score for Computer One is +100: the highest possible score.
Client’s Comment:
“Computer One provide a comprehensive service that covers every aspect of our requirements. From day one they demonstrated that they understood what we needed and they designed an IT programme that has delivered practically everything that was promised – a novel experience for us.
Computer One is what I’d describe as a true partner to the business, proactively working with us to solve problems or create opportunities rather than merely providing a service.
The overarching deliverable of their service is value for money. It’s a pleasure dealing with Computer One and I am happy to recommend their services to any retailer (except our competition)!”
Andrew Smith
Emergency IT response
Client: A well-respected and long standing charitable organisation that services the Brisbane and wider South East Queensland community.
Business Challenge: Some dramatic IT personnel changes left the charity feeling they required assistance very quickly, so they reached out to Computer One.
Management wanted to establish some additional controls around the IT infrastructure and services, to head off any potential problems.
Activity Scope: The Computer One team enacted what we call “Rapid On-boarding”. In layman’s terms we:
- Captured and documented the operating environment as built
- Ensured it was secure and that the data recovery systems were working
- Provided an interim service desk solution
- Performed a risk assessment
- Quickly established where the knowledge gaps were, and
- Created a roadmap for remediation activities
After the first 48 hours we set about capturing system information from the heads of the IT support staff and the system’s application owners.
This information was used to map the application dependencies within the infrastructure, control change so that system stability was kept high and ensure that everyone who touched the environment knew exactly how it worked.
Years later, the client has a stable system with improved security and we continue to deliver a service desk function.
Client’s comment:
Due to internal policy around publicity, the client’s management team could only comment off-the-record, but said:
“We’ve never felt more secure and more supported in IT than we do now. We hope you guys are with us for a long time”.

Successful Onboarding
Client: Specialty Fashion Group (SFG)
Head office and Rivers fashion chain. 175 sites.
Business Challenge at Commencement: Internal pressure on the IT team meant that despite having more than 20 resources available they spent a large proportion of their time handling low-level IT issues.
Strategic IT initiatives suffered and profit was at risk. Resolution times were prolonged and users found their issues were not resolved in a timely fashion, so they created their own workarounds or put up with the lack of service.
Activity Scope: Level 1 and 2 Service Desk, integrated with the SFG IT team for escalation and transparency in reporting. SFG’s team can raise their own tickets and also be assigned to work on tickets created by Computer One when required.
Results: Initial ticket volume soared well past expectations (+40% increase on prior months) as users realised that they could finally raise their IT issues and get them addressed in a timely fashion. Computer One struggled to cope with the volume (2,000 tickets per month) but recruited new resources without raising the support price and also engaged in addressing the root causes of recurring issues to lessen the volume. After three-plus years of service, SFG have recently re-signed for a new period of support.
Client’s Comment:
“I’d describe Computer One as thorough, competent and collaborative.
They provide a fantastic end-to-end support service. One of their best features is how professional and courteous they are regardless of our end users’ skills or how often Computer One needs to speak to them to resolve an issue.
They’re always diligent at finding out the root cause of a matter, not just providing a quick fix.
They’re also completely transparent. When they make a mistake they acknowledge it and resolve it so it doesn’t happen again.
It was important to us to find an Australian-based support team that could fit with and complement our internal IT team, then scale with us over time. We found that in Computer One.
I’m looking forward to continuing our relationship and I encourage you to consider them as well.”
Sean Ellaby
Group Head of IT Operations
Specialty Fashion Group

IT for Finance Services
Client: Centrepoint Finance. 5 Offices from Perth to Melbourne and Yeppoon.
Business Challenge at Commencement: Business growth challenges. Downtime caused by unstable network. Servers would shut down unexpectedly and hamper client service delivery. No internal IT team to assist.
Activity Scope: Complete Care Managed IT Service, Data Services, Hosted Infrastructure, Software Development
Results: Trust returned to the IT function. More than 1200 tickets resolved. Parallel development of a new broking solution specific to Centrepoint Finance. Over the last year we have exceeded the agreed target for resolution of tickets 100% of the time.
Client’s Comment:
“We decided to make the move to Computer One as they offered a larger support network in a diverse number of areas that we required assistance with.
Since the move the staff have commented on how nice it is to pick up the phone and speak to someone and have their issues resolved in a timely manner
We’ve been so happy with Computer One that we’ve entrusted them with our custom software development. The reason for this is that we can see a long-term relationship and trust that they’ll be our partners for a long time to come.”
Megan Muggleton
Chief Technology Officer
Centrepoint Finance

Managed Services for Mining
Client: Capricorn Copper. Junior mining company
Business Challenge at Commencement: Enable communications and provide support for a small camp of engineers in the final stages of prospecting and exploration prior to re-commissioning the Gunpowder copper mine in far Northwest Queensland – 80km outside Mt Isa.
This included providing connection between the on-site team and the Brisbane Head Office.
The particular challenge in the beginning was to recommend and deploy technical solutions to the challenges of communication that were cost-effective in the short term and yet robust for the long-term so their cost wouldn’t have to be duplicated.
Since commencing development, the scale of the mining operation has dramatically increased. Now in full-time production, Capricorn Copper’s Gunpowder Mine employs 120+ people on-site at any given time.
Activity Scope: Service Desk Level 1-3, On-site Staff Placement, Hosted Infrastructure, WAN Acceleration and Traffic Management, Telephony System Installation and Maintenance, Satellite integration, Mine site Wi-Fi and Video Conferencing System.
Results: Capricorn Copper has been very satisfied with the support they’ve received. Computer One has taken the lead role in many projects and was insistent on placing staff on-site at the Gunpowder mine-site to tackle early issues head-on, leading to a great relationship. We can truly say that we have worked with our client every step of the way.
Capricorn Copper’s current 30-day rolling Net Promoter Score for Computer One is 75 – indicating the staff think that world class service is being delivered.
Client’s Comment:
“ICT is a bit like maintenance. No-one ever calls to tell you the network is running fantastic; they only ever call you when there’s a problem. And dealing with Computer One it has been fantastic. Everyone thinks their problem is the most important and Computer One attends to each one. Plus, the level of assistance calls is dropping, which is great news.
At the end of the day it’s cost-effective support. That’s the biggest thing for us. We’re here to make money and be here for the long-term and that’s what Computer One are helping us to achieve.”
Mark Koffal
Commercial Superintendent
Capricorn Copper
World-Class Service is Standard
The international benchmark for client satisfaction with cyber security services is the Net Promoter Score. It’s the same, standardised question no matter where you go: “On a scale from 1-10, how likely would you be to refer our service to colleagues and friends?”
We regularly test and benchmark our NPS against the best IT providers in the world, and our score rivals and exceeds them every month. Our cyber security solutions are quite honestly, World-Class.
We’re very proud and have worked hard to achieve it. It’s your promise of excellent service to you.
It’s also what leads to testimonials like these…
If you’re looking for a new Managed IT Service Provider, you should speak with us. Our Australian-based team will surprise and delight you with our world-class service levels.
Call us on 1300 667871 or Contact us here

Our Address
1300 667 871 or +61 7 3220 0352
Brisbane Office
Level 5, 488 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Sydney Office
Level 21, 133 Castlereigh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Melbourne Office
Level 28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000