Azure Managed Services

Our Azure Managed Service is local, we’re experienced and we’re already managing the Azure services of brands you know in business.

There’s no doubting the cost-effectiveness of the Azure Managed Service model: Pay only for what you use.  

To get the most out of your Azure Managed Service you need an experienced team to design, deploy and manage your Azure environment. 

So, let’s talk.  We can help you move to Azure infrastructure painlessly and fast.

Let’s Talk Today

If you’re looking for Microsoft Azure Managed Services, here’s why you should consider Computer One.

Key Service Features

Australian-Based Team

Clear communication with no lag. All of our team lives and works in Australia. We understand Australian business.

Keep your in-house team focused

Let us worry about your cloud and keep your in-house team delivering business-as-usual. Many name-brand businesses trust us with their Azure managed service.

Better Support, Same Cost

With us you pay the same price for your computing and storage as dealing with Microsoft directly, but we provide a layer of technical skill and governance that you can’t get cost-effectively from Microsoft.

Public/Private Hybrids

Link Azure computing and storage to your own infrastructure in a hybrid arrangement. We can manage both set-ups on your behalf to keep you running smoothly.

Smooth Migrations

Our careful planning ensures every migration is run smoothly, with no risk to data or interruption of service.

Risk Mitigation

We’re accredited Microsoft Partners with many years of experience in configuring and managing their products.

Full Service

Licensing, configuration, migration, ongoing monitoring, management and proactive alerts to minimise the risk of downtime on your Azure service. All guaranteed with service level agreements.

Scalable Architecture

Our Solution Architects will design an Azure service that scales seamlessly when needed and remains cost-effective at all times.


Microsoft spends more than a billion dollars on security improvement every year. We focus on designing out weaknesses in your business processes and managing those that remain. Between us, your data is as secure as it can be.

Microsoft Azure Services in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne

How does it work?

To plan your transition to Azure Managed Services we will meet with you and run through a series of questions that flesh out the scope of the challenge.

Based on the scope we’ll produce a number of options as to how you could best utilise Azure and in ongoing discussions we’ll refine the options down to the best one for your business.

We’ll set up your subscription (you’ll pay no more with than by going to Microsoft directly) and execute the migration project in close communication with you.

Once you’re up and running we revert to a management role, ensuring that your service remains steady, that disaster recovery scenarios are planned and tested, and that your billing remains under control.

World-class Service is Standard

The international benchmark for client satisfaction with Managed IT Services is the Net Promoter Score.  It’s the same, standardised question no matter where y ou go: “On a scale from 1-10, how likely would you be to refer our service to colleagues and friends?”

We regularly test and benchmark our NPS against the best IT providers in the world, and our score rivals and exceeds them every month.  Our Managed IT Service is quite honestly, World-Class.

We’re very proud and have worked hard to achieve it.  It’s your promise of excellent service.

Our Azure Managed Services model is proven and already supporting many businesses. Let’s talk about yours. 

Please call us on 1300 667 871 or fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch quickly.


Our Address


1300 667 871 or +61 7 3220 0352

Brisbane Office

Level 5, 488 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000

Sydney Office

Level 21, 133 Castlereigh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Melbourne Office

Level 28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Our Services

Industry Expertise