Information security has become a specialisation – it’s practically impossible for an in-house team to be experts in all aspects of risk mitigation. Security-as-a-Service is the answer. Engage the Computer One security team to address your security needs.
Whether it’s a disaster recovery, mitigating a denial of service attack, stopping a malicious insider stealing company secrets or the need to ensure malware cannot run on your network, our team provides the appropriate response to achieve your information security objectives.
Pick any or all of the services below and combine them into your monthly IT Security-as-a-Service as a standalone or as part of a broader managed IT service.
If you’re looking evaluating different Security-as-a-Service vendors, here’s why you should consider Computer One.
Security as a Service Menu
World-class Service is Standard
We offer the kind of performance that you wish you got from all IT providers. And we can prove it. Our Net Promoter Score, the internationally-recognised client satisfaction benchmark, is consistently at the level regarded as world class (+70).
We test our score regularly and benchmark against the world’s best IT companies. Our score rivals and exceeds them every month. That’s how we know that we’re one of the industry’s best providers.
Talk to us about our approach to Security-as-a-Service and you’ll see.
We are experienced Security-as-a-Service vendors. Let’s talk about your security needs today.
Please call us on 1300 667 871 or fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch quickly.
Our Address
1300 667 871 or +61 7 3220 0352
Brisbane Office
Level 5, 488 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000
Sydney Office
Level 21, 133 Castlereigh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Melbourne Office
Level 28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000